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Comfort Packs
Haley and Carshina
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack distribution
Comfort pack and Pipermoon blanket distribution
Divine Purpose
Divine Purpose
Comfort pack and Pipermoon blanket distribution

Betsy's Birthday a Big Success! 

May 1, 2021

We are so thankful to our donors and volunteers for making Betsy's Birthday a huge success. We raised over $25,000 and handed out over 100 comfort packs to kids at our event honoring Betsy's Birthday on May 1!


We are also thankful to our gracious hosts at Divine Purpose, a fine arts community center whose mission is to support underserved youth in the development of their unique skills and talents in the performing arts, and to encourage and inspire them to express their gifts through the artistry of performance.


In addition to handing out 100 comfort packs, we also handed out 25 Pipermoon blankets to moms, aunts, and grandmas in preparation for Mother's Day. These blankets were donated to us following the Pipermoon promotion where they donated a blanket to us for every 5 they sold 4/12-4/15 of this year. 


We will continue celebrating Betsy's Birthday for weeks to come due to our successful fundraising. We'll continue delivering comfort packs to our partner organizations and are planning another big event for this Summer - stay tuned!



Betsy's Birthday a Big Success!: News
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